A recent poll done by Sealy on Facebook triggered my interest in sleeping positions. A study analyzing common sleeping positions found that each position is actually linked to a particular personality type.
According to the research done by sleep specialist, Chris Idzijowski, PhD, if you curl up in the fetal position when you sleep, you may be tough on the outside and soft on the inside. If you sleep in the "log" position you are typically easy going, sociable, and want to run with the A-list crowd.
People who sleep with both arms out in front (Yearner) can be suspicious and cynical. Someone who sleeps on their back with both arms up around the pillow (Starfish) make good friends and are always ready to listen and offer help.
That leaves the Soldier and Freefaller. The study found that the Soldier position sleeper is associated with being quiet and reserved and having very high standards. And the Freefaller position sleeper tends to feel anxious about getting tasks done, is sensitive and dislikes criticism.
One important factor is clear, "If you sleep in a bad position, you're more likely to be grumpy the next day" states Dr. Idzijowski.
I think we can all agree, no matter your sleep position, an investment in a great quality mattress and boxspring should be at the top of your list. At Davids we offer a well-chosen line-up of Sealy and Stearns & Foster products to fit your needs and a staff ready to help you find your "Goldilocks" bed.
Treat yourself well. Come to Davids to experience the most informative and enjoyable mattress shopping you will find anywhere.
Image and Research Source: Pinterest, Willow Bee Inspired Blog, Web MD, Woman Talk
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